<?php echo '<div class="blazons"><img src="/images/stu2023/blazon-rb.png" /> <img src="/images/stu2023/blazon-minsk.png" /></div>' ?>

220004, Minsk, Kollektornaya Street, 11, Office 1 info@stu.by

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Working hours
Monday - Thursday from 8.45 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 18.00
Friday from 8.45 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 16.45
Сб-ндз: выходной
220004, Minsk, Kollektornaya Street, 11, Office 1
Reception Room
(017) 375-60-83 (017) 351-16-98
Department of Organization of Trade and Agriculture
(017) 375-20-65 (017) 377-45-89
Trade and Services Development Department
(017) 272-79-88 (017) 377-50-75 (017) 244-95-77
Rental and Property Sector
(017) 374-15-27 (017) 355-81-17 (017) 253-99-90 (017) 350-67-61 (029) 700-27-24
(017) 243-29-57 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.